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The Meaning of VastLight:


VAST: (Adjective) Of very great extent or quantity; immense.

LIGHT:(noun) Something that makes vision possible; spiritual illumination.

PHOTO: (noun) A moment Captured. My Passion. 


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On a personal level:

Married for 9 years to a wonderful & supportive man, Greg!

Mom of two toddlers ages 5 and 3

Works full time in the food industry

Has lived in Pittsburgh for 14 years

My Photography Style: Light, bright & natural makes me happy!  I am not afraid to try new things and new styles, but my eye always draws me back to the basics. 


About Leah

I have always loved taking photos with any point and shoot camera I could get my hands on. I have boxes full of old negatives and shelves full of photo albums. For our first anniversary, my husband bought me my first DSLR as a surprise (I didn't even know what that was at the time...). Along with that, he set me up with one of his good friends at work who was also a photographer, and she invited me to shoot a wedding with her and her husband. That was it - my moment. I knew then that I could not and would not put my camera down again. Since that day, I have worked hard to learn as much as possible about my equipment, editing software and my business. 



see what I see...

Portfolio of work

personal illumination...

Photo Products

Summer Daze.JPG

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